- Mishra PK, Saluja SS, Gupta M, Rajalingam R, Pattnaik P. Blumgart’s technique of pancreaticojejunostomy: an appraisal. Dig Surg. 2011;28(4):281-7.
- Mishra PK, Saluja SS, Sharma AK, Pattnaik P. Management of splenic artery Aneurysm associated with extrahepatic portal vein obstruction. Hepatobiliary Pancreat Dis Int. 2012 Jun; 11(3):330-3.
- Pattanaik P, Singh A, Pal S, Seth A, Sahni P. Adapting liver transplantation techniques in the surgical management of renal tumors with IVC tumor thrombus. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hepatology. March 2014; Vol. 4 : No.S2 : S78–S97.
- Patnaik P, Arun V, Dhingra R, Pal S ,Dash NR , Gamanagatti S ,Garg P , Sahni P. Haemorrhage in severe acute pancreatitis: Management and outcome at a tertiary care centre. Pancreatology 14 (2014) S1–S10.
- Arun V, Patnaik P, Pal S, Dash N.R., Garg P, Madhusudhan K S, Sahni P. Delayed necrosectomy in severe acute necrotizing pancreatitis: Experience from a tertiary care centre .Pancreatology 14 (2014) S1–S10.
- C.P Reddy, D Bharat Kumar, P N Pattanaik, Thirunavvakarasu, Muni Krishna, Varun P. Choledochal cyst with Anomalous Pancreatobiliary Junction (APBJ)-a case report. Narayana Medical Journal Vol6.Issue 1Jan-June 2017.P-50-53.
- C.P Reddy, D Bharat Kumar, P N Pattanaik, Thirunavvakarasu, Muni Krishna, Varun P. Acute Relapsing pancreatitis in children due to congenital anomalies-Case series. Narayana Medical Journal Vol6.Issue 1Jan-June 2017.P-54-58
- Premananda Pattanaik, Salil Kumar Parida, Satya Sundar G Mohapatra and Perwez Alam Khan. Role of multidetector CT esophagography in patients with esophageal carcinoma. International Journal of Applied Research 2016; 2(9): 412-417.
- Premananda Pattanaik, Salil Kumar Parida, Satyaprakash Ray Choudhury and Sumit Subhadarshi Mohanty. Laparoscopic radical cholecystectomy for early gall bladder cancer: The way forward. International Journal of Applied Research 2018 ; 4 ( 1 ): 36 – 39
- Premananda Pattanaik, Salil Kumar Parida, Satyaprakash Ray Choudhury, Sumit Subhadarshi Mohanty, Perwez Alam Khan and Jatindra Nath Mohanty. Laparoscopic excision of endophytic gastro intestinal stromal tumor (GIST) and GIST like lesion of stomach by a novel technique. International Journal of Applied Research 2019 ; 5 ( 6 ): 53 – 57